Trifecta Pilates Blog

Exploring Wall Pilates

Exploring Wall Pilates

Back in 2014 when I was teaching my very first Wall Pilates class, a long time participant arrived a few minutes late and whispered to me, "Why are we at the wall?" It was a valid question, considering that I had been teaching Pilates for a decade, primarily in a...

Exploring Wall Pilates

Back in 2014 when I was teaching my very first Wall Pilates class, a long time participant arrived a few minutes late and whispered to me, "Why are...

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The Value of Pilates Challenges

The Value of Pilates Challenges

As much as I loved teaching in the Pilates studio. Most people I worked with came in once or twice a week. A select few came in three times a week. And I may be dating myself here, but at $65 per...

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Freedom and Pilates

Freedom and Pilates

With the New Year the energy is charged with yearning for a much different experience compared to the whirlwind of 2020. And since I’ve been around a while at this point in my life, I have been...

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